August 22, 2011

Bon's Off Broadway

Bon's Off Broadway  is definitely an oldie'. With their outdated decor, mismatched chairs and even a jukebox machine, it feels like going into a time machine.They are famously known for their cheap, $2.95 breakfast,served all day long.  A great place to get your hangover prescription filled.
Their current location has been around for ~15years and before that, Bon's was on Broadway & Cambie, where my dad used to frequent as a teen. It was open by a Chinese family who I believe still run the restaurant, and the name Bon's comes from Bon Wong, the chef perhaps?
Their menu, aside from the usual breakfast items, also has a "Chinese breakfast combo", pasta and burgers.

I don`t think I have ever been seated in a restaurant where there are 3+ ketchups and a big basket of cream on the table. Or 4 different mismatched chairs.
Is this Coffee? I am pretty sure they re-use their brew since it literally tasted like coffee water. Good thing I already had a few cups of coffee before leaving. At $1(?) with unlimited refills, I was not complaining.
The pancakes are quite good. Fluffy, buttery and crisp on the outside, it had everything I was looking for in a pancake. It did not have the distinct baking soda taste in the pancakes or overly greasy. 
(choice of toast x2, fried potatoes, choice of meat: ham/bacon/sausage, eggs x2)
This was a lot of food. Well, for breakfast at least. The toast, eggs, and ham are nothing out of the ordinary. I enjoyed their fried potatoes.
 Crispy, greasy, and chunky potatoes, they were delicious.
Everything in this order can be made at home but with my terrible cooking skills and all the time it would take, it is not really worth it.
Many of the customers here are regulars who are quite characters themselves, reading their morning papers and chatting while in PJ's and even come around filling up your coffees for you. 
The food here is nothing special but the scenery and customers would make me come back.
Dear Regular Customer, did you forget your shoe?

Bon's Off Broadway on Urbanspoon


  1. Yeah, their breakfasts are decent. Give their sausage a try!

  2. Nice, cheap and tasty breakfast? I am definitely getting tired of the overpricing of places like Denny's, De Dutch and White Spot....places where it's supposed to be cheap.

  3. @ Andrew: If I ever wake up early enough, I will give it a try.
    @Peter: Dennys and all those places are overpriced, or maybe I am just cheap when it comes to breakfast. I could eat dinner for that price.Besides, breakfast food to me at least, is pretty boring.
    P.S: I started looking at breakfast menus and for the exact same meal (2x eggs, potatoes etc) it's $6/7. Huge profit! $___$
